Posted by OMAH!

If you haven't seen the video of flavour's new song Ada Ada, you are definitely on a looooooooooooog thing! I like to see myself as a nice person *wink wink*, so here is the video of Flavour's Ada Ada.

After seeing this video, am sure you know exactly what's going through my mind... Yep! My traditional wedding of course! *showing all 32 with braces*. I can see girls and  ladies who have been engaged for more than 10yrs playing this song for their boyfriend and supposed "hubby" looking at him directly in the eye, not spelling it out but sending the message to the guy, who knows exactly what they are doing but pretending not to notice.
So here it is... my letter to my future husband. I love you boo and I know you do to...*wink*

Dear (husband to be),
 Am sure you have seen the video and everything that was involved in the making of the video?! Yes, I know you aren't blind and am sure you know where am headed. I want everything exactly as it is but maybe more "ebano" when we are planning ours. You know I hate pink so we'll go for something more mature and unique like gold, ofcos our wedding planner will handle that. (We'll have a wedding planner, you know I can't manage the whole thing myself, plus I need other ideas). I want the best of everything; food, drinks and fresh palmwine, (that early morning own o... ehn!) I want masquerades like in the video, hopefully Mr Ibu to put that comic feel .I don't want you to waste too much money bringing in other celebrities, but if you don't mind no "ish" darling...'cos I care for our wallet,"you know am always thinking about you" *wink wink* .Then the cake OMG! I want two big ones from the best cake baker in the country, (God forbid one falls off due to too much excitement, at least we'll have one to fall back on).Dear future husband, make plentyyyyy money so that I will have a memorable wedding and that's just for the trad. White wedding is different and then court is on the list too. I left out somethings 'cos I want us to consider other ideas. I know you love me and you know I do too. Can't wait for our wedding, looking forward to it We are gonna paint the whole town reddddddddddddddd! My GAWD! am already excited! 
Yours lovingly,

Your future wife.

Back to the marra...
..welcome to the new Igbo traditional marriage, who noticed that there was no palmwine in the cup?! Yup that's whatz up, before God forbid someone decides to spike the drink to either steal the man, call-off the wedding or kill the man. 

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