Life,'' so simple yet so complicated'' they say. Well i know most of you my friends out there would agree to some extent with the saying. In life all we really have to do is make it through the day, sleep and wait for the next morning, but within that so called 24hours alot of things happen that we don't plan for, how to deal with it and over come it so we could make it to the next day with no heartaches is the Complicated part.
So I've come to the realization that we just have to be prepared always for what life is gon throw our way,, prepare ourselves mentally and physically. Another saying says'' Life is a battle ground only the strong survive''. How do we define the STRONG,  they the ones who don't give in to the hardship of life, they learn from whatever trials they face and evolve as human beings to become better at living because ''when the going gets tough the tough gets going''. But it isn't everyone who makes it through the day some fall by the way side and it breaks my heart.
Everyday we hear of people committing suicide, having heart attacks  and killings everywhere,the people who fall in this categories are the ones who have one way or the other giving up on life, life has become empty for them they see no reason to continue living,they've lost the will and zeal to fight on. That's where we come to another saying that says ''Where there is LIFE there is always HOPE''.. this the cream of the crop , the cream de la cream of all sayings. Wake up with this words in your heart everyday and you might just have found the right ammunition to carry you through the trials of the day.
LIFE and HOPE are just two words that where born for each other cant live without each other, they related connected by blood in fact they just like twin brothers. Wherever there is hope there would always be life to carry and fulfill it and wherever there is life there is always hope that gives you a reason to keep on living. And holding on to that hope is the ammunition we need to break barriers and overcome trials and impossibilities, never give up easily on any situation wherever you are reading this, in fact you have to cultivate the habit of fighting on until your last breath don't give failure the chance to weaken you, yes we are all bound to taste failure at some point or the other but instead of giving in we must learn from it and become stronger and better at living. Always remember as long as you are alive n breathing Hope is always right there beside you. BELIEVE AND LIVE
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