10 Signs You are Bad in Bed

Have you ever wondered if you could be bad in bed? We all want to be the sex kitten our man desires. But the truth is that you may not be as good as you think you are. Signs of being bad in bed can sometimes be subtle, and yet very obvious. But, recognizing the signs can be difficult. Read on to find out if these describe your sex life and work towards steamier nights from now on wards 1. You act like you’re doing him a favour: So you think that men love sex more than women? And also that women take full advantage of this wrong notion? But hey you are not doing him a favour! Showing zero enthusiasm during sex and making it look like charity only makes you bad in bed
2. You’re afraid to try new things: When you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you tend to have comfortable (read: lazy) sex. That’s not a bad thing, but too much of vanilla sex gets boring after a point. If you’re not willing to be adventurous in bed, you may end up making the experience bad. There’s nothing wrong in trying new stuff, girl!
3.You are self-conscious: Most Indian women are a bit conscious of what they want to do in bed. But being afraid of going stark nude, having sex with lights on or not letting your partner touch you in certain places definitely gives out the sign that something is wrong. To really enjoy sex, you have to be comfortable in your own skin.
4. You giggle too much: Now, pay attention here. While laughing when you’re having sex can be a good sign, giggling on the other hand will only make things uncomfortable. Also, this makes you appear childish and not the sex kitten you wish to be.

5. You’re too quiet: If you’ve watched adult films, you know what we are talking about. While this comes naturally to most girls, but if you’re too quiet, it can be a little problematic. You don’t have to scream like a porn star as that will seem too fake, but don’t be so quiet that it seems you’re not there at all.
6. You over analyse: It's okay to think over things before getting involved. But if you and your partner have been together for a while, sometimes it’s fine to just go with the flow. Don’t always over analyse everything as that could kill the moment and lead to bad sex.
7. You don’t take control: Remember this, girls: it’s not your partner’s job to take control all the time. It’s not his duty, like most women think it to be. When you’re incredibly passive, it’s not fun. Don’t just lie there and make him feel like he’s making love to a dead body. Be dominant and aggressive, once in a while.
8. You don’t look after yourself: Now, we’re not saying you have to be high maintenance, but being no maintenance doesn’t help either. If you come to bed with a face mask or forget shaving for weeks, you come across as someone who hates making an effort. This is definitely not good for your sex life.
9. You aren’t into oral action: We’re yet to meet a guy who doesn’t love oral sex. So, if you don’t like going down, that can be quite a downer. To turn your image from a 'bad in bed' to a 'sex diva', give him a surprise BJ when he isn’t expecting it.
10. You don’t tell him what you want: If you’re not going to tell him what you want in bed, he will never know. This will not only make the experience bad, but also leave your partner with little or no interest. Next time, tell your man what turns you on

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