Best Ways to Please a Woman in Bed and Get Her to Orgasm

Pleasing a woman sexually is something that few men know how to do well. This is a shame because good sex is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship or to make women long for you more, both physically and emotionally. Becoming a good lover is crucial if you want to keep your woman happy.

So, what are the best ways to please a women in bed?

They're both physical and emotional ways. It begins even before you ever get to bed by giving her the attention she craves, showing her how much she means to you, and making her feel romantic. You need to build an atmosphere of closeness and romance. This can be done by making dinner, giving her a massage, putting on nice music, or lighting candles. This may all seem corny but it works, so why fight it?

When you do get to bed, you need to learn to take your time. A woman's pleasure comes first. Make sure to explore her arousal spots carefully. These include nipples, neck, ears, nape of the neck, belly, and so on. You need to build her anticipation. It will make it much easier to please her and get her to orgasm powerfully later on.

Before you enter her, make sure she has climaxed first. You do this by giving her oral sex. There's a whole realm of possibilities here. The important thing to remember is that, for many women, oral sex is even more pleasurable than intercourse because they can get to an orgasm much easier this way. So, take your time with this, learn how to do it right, study your partner to see what she enjoys, and spend enough time to give her the pleasure she deserves.

During intercourse and even during foreplay, what you say has a tremendous effect on how keenly she will enjoy your lovemaking. Knowing how to talk a little dirty is excellent to add some spice to your intimacy, making it seem a bit wilder than it is. There is a fine line here: you can't seem raunchy or too dirty or you'll make her feel cheap. Find ways to build her excitement without making it seem like all you care about is her body.

During lovemaking make sure to take your time and study her reaction to see what she enjoys most. Use this knowledge to change your own movements for latter lovemakings. These are the ways to please a woman in bed
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